22 units on 3 parcels on Ballentine Street?
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Tell the City Council How You Feel
If you want to show support against high-density development in Bay St Louis or to request a yard sign, please press submit below to add your name to the list:
Caitlin Bourgeois / Clerk of Council / (228) 469-9121 / Email Caitlin
Gary Knoblock / Council at Large / (228) 216-0800 / Email Gary
Doug Seal / Ward 1 / (228) 222-0097 / Email Doug
Gene Hoffman / Ward 2 / (228) 323-3330 / Email Gene
Jeffrey Reed / Ward 3 / (228) 518-7859 / Email Jeffrey
Kyle Lewis / Ward 4 / (228) 342-0023 / Email Kyle
Buddy Zimmerman / Ward 5 / (228) 304-1202 / Email Buddy
Josh DeSalvo / Ward 6 / (228) 304-7520 / Email Josh